When a family member or dear friend dies you may not only have to deal with your feelings of loss you may also have to wind up their financial affairs. This may involve the obtaining of a grant of probate (where there is a will) or a grant of letters of administration (where there is no will). The grant is your authority to deal with the financial affairs. Sometimes no grant is required. If you have never been involved in the death of a loved one before then this can be a very difficult time.
Here at Dixon Stewart we deal with the financial consequences of death every day and consequently any work we do for you will be carried out quickly and efficiently so that you can have access to the monies and investments of your loved one as soon as reasonably possible.
Furthermore if your loved one made their will with us we will often know and remember them and this always helps when you are dealing with your own losses.
Our initial advices will always be given without any charge to you. Our initial advices can also be given at your home. They are part of the service we at Dixon Stewart pride ourselves on providing. Those initial advices enable you to be fully informed and to decide whether you wish us to do anything further to assist you or whether you are content to deal with all or some matters by yourself. If you decide we are going to assist you further then we will tell you what our charges will be and how those charges are to be paid. Those charges will be fixed. There are no hidden extras. The charges will cover all the work.
It is often useful to have a solicitor involved in the administration of the estate even if you have been appointed to act as executor. This is because the beneficiaries of the estate can see that there is someone independent acting and if there are any difficulties in the administration these can be dealt with by the solicitor.
Contact Dixon Stewart for free advice without any obligation. We are friendly, efficient and right on your doorstep. We will visit you at home if you prefer.
Kelly Taylor or Jenny Eley on 01425 621515
Helen Stewart or Sue Wheeler on 01425 279222
Paul Moores on 01425 673994
Or e mail enquiry@dixonstewart.com